Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Perjalanan Keangkasa (Bag 2)


(Bagian 2)

Pada bagian akhir abad ke-20, mimpi manusia itu tampak mulai menjadi kenyataan. Roket kuat membawa kendaraan — berawak dan tidak berawak — ke angkasa telah dikirim. Astronaut dan atau kosmonot pun telah mengunjungi bulan.

Disamping itu sejak tahun 1977 ESA (European Space Agency) –  selain Rusia (USSR) dan Amerika Serikat (USA) – telah ikut serta dalam perjalanan ke ruang angkasa. Seperti diketahui  ESA pada 20 April 1977 telah mengirim GEOS 1 untuk study tentang magnetism di atmosfere bumi, seperti tampak pada daftar berikut ini.

Kendaraan (spacecraft/space flight,  suppport craft) tanpa manusia ke angkasa luar        tahun 1977 s/d 1978

European Space Agency (ESA)
20 Apri 1977
Studied the magnetism of the earth’s atmosphere
Cosmos 936
3 Aug 1977
Biomedical researc—carried specimens to be tested in the conditions of space
12 Aug 1977
Studied distant star
Voyager 2
20 Aug 1977
Flyby of Jupiter (July 1979, Saturn (Aug 1981), and Uranus (Jan 1986). Discovered volcanic action on io, mean of Jupiter—first volcanic action discovered on a body in space. Provided first close-up photographs of the rings and moons of all three planets
Voyager 1
5 Sept 1977
Flyby of Jupiter (March 1979) and Saturn (Nov 1980)

26 Sept 1977
Studied strong radiation micrometeorites in space
ISSE 1/2
22 Oct 1977
Studied the sun’s effect on earth.
Pioneer Venus 1/2
20 May 1978   8 Aug 1978
Studied the atmosphere of Venus and discovered that clouds are warmer at the poles than at the equator : performed automated chemical analysis of the atmosphere. 
Cosmos 1120
26 Sept 1978
Biological experiments—plant and animal specimens tested in.

Sumber : The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Incorporated, Danbury, Connecticut

Pada bagian akhir abad ke-20, mimpi manusia itu tampak mulai menjadi kenyataan. Roket kuat yang membawa kendaraan — berawak dan tidak berawak — ke angkasa telah dikirim. Astronaut mengunjungi bulan. Pesawat ruang angkasa berawak dan stasiun ruang angkasa menjalankan  misi yang mengorbit bumi tampak hampir dilakukan secara rutin. Manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan telah dikirim ke angkasa. Hal itu menandakan bahwa manusia tidak lagi semata-mata hidup dibumi. Era perjalanan dan eksplorasi ruang angkasa telah dimulai.

Pada 12 April 1961. Yuri Gagarin, seorang kosmonot Soviet Rusia, menjadi orang pertama yang melakukan perjalanan di luar angkasa. Pesawat ruang angkasanya, Vostok I, membuat satu orbit mengelilingi bumi dan kemudian kembali mendarat di bumi.

Yuri Gagarin

Dimuka telah dikemukakan bahwa kendaraan-kendaraan tidak berawak (tanpa manusia) dikirim ke luar angkasa antara tahun 1957 sampai tahun 1978. Dan sejak tahun 1961 sampai tahun 1986 juga telah dikirim kendaraan yang berawak,  berikut ini adalah daftar sejumlah misi ke luar angkasa yang menggunakan kendaraan berawak pada periode tersebut.

              Kendaraan (spacecraft, space-                    flight, suppport craft) beserta manusia     ke angkasa luar 1961 s/d 1965
April 12  1961
Vostok 1
Soviet cosmonaut was first person to travel to space, orbiting earth once in a flight of 1 hour and 48 minutes.
May 5 1961
Mercury 4
This 15 minutes suborbital flight, which rose to height of 190 km (118 mil) above the earth.
June 21 1961
Mercury 5
A 16-minute suborbital flight, which rose to a height of 190 km (118 mil) above the earth
Aug 6-7 1961
Vostok 2
Craft made 17 orbits of earth in over 25 huors
Feb 20 1962
Mercury 6
The first US orbital flight, Glenn circled earth 3 times in 4 hours and 55 minutes.
Aug 11-15
Aug 12-15, 1962
Nikolayev  Popovich
Vostok3   Vosto 4
First attempted rendezvous in space ; Vostok3 and 4 came within 6 km (4 mil) of each other.
May 15-16, 1963
Mercury 9
Craft orbited earth 22 times in 34 hours; landing contrlled manually, instead of using automatic controls.
June 14-19 June 16-19 1963
Bykovsky Tereshkova
Vostok5 Vostok6
Tereshkova was first women in space; craft came within 5 km (3 mil) of each other in attempted rendezvous.
Oct 12-13 1964
Komarov Feotistov Yegorov
Voskhod 1
First three person flight
March18-19, 1965
Belayayev Leonov
Voskhod 2
Leonov was the first person to leave a spacecraft in flight; he spent 10 minutes outside, on a tether 5 m (16 ft) long.
March 23, 1965
Grissom Young
Gemini 3
First US two person flight ; astronauts successfully controled craft to change flight path three times.
Aug 21-29 1965
Cooper Conrad
Gemini 5
Record 8 day flight proved people and craft could endure to space long enough for round trip to moon
Dec 4-18 1965
Borman Lovell
Gemini 7
First successful rendezvous of two spacecraft ; Gemini 6 and 7 came within a meter or so of each other ; Gemini 7 made 206 orbits of earth, setting a new record for time in space – 13 days and 18 hours
Dec 15-16 1965
Schirra Stafford
Gemini 6

Sumber : The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Incorporated, Danbury, Connecticut

Pada 12 April 1961. Yuri Gagarin, seorang kosmonot Soviet Rusia, menjadi orang pertama yang melakukan perjalanan di luar angkasa. Pesawat ruang angkasanya, Vostok I, membuat satu orbit mengelilingi bumi dan kemudian kembali mendarat ke bumi dengan selamat.

Pada periode tahun 1961 – 1965 Tereshkova adalah wanita pertama yang berada di angkasa, sedangkan Leonov adalah orang pertama yang telah keluar dari spacecraft yang sedang berada di angkasa selama 10 (sepuluh) menit.

Sementara itu Gemini 6 dan Gemini 7 adalah dua spacecraft yang pertama yang tercatat dapat bertemu di angkasa. Dan pada  21 – 27 Desember 19, 1968 Apollo 8 merupakan spacecraft pertama yang mencapai bulan, setelah mengelilingi (orbit) bulan  dan kembali ke bumi.

Kendaraan (spacecraft, space- 
   flight, suppport craft) beserta manusia       ke angkasa luar 1966 s/d 1969

July18-21     1966
Young Collins
Gemini 10
Docked with target vehicle, which boasted Gemini into higher orbit ; Collins outside craft 3 hours 45 minutes.
Sept12-15     1966
Conrad Gordon
Gemini 11
Four docking maneuvers ; Gemini at record height at 1.370 km ( 850 mil) ; landing automatically controlled.
Nov 11-15 1966
Gemini 12
Aldrin; outside spacecraft 5,5 hours; proving astronauts could work  in space without tiring too quickly
April 23-24 1967
Soyuz 1
Komarov was killed when spacecraft and paraschute became entangled during descent.
Oct 26-30 1968

Soyuz 3
After Soyuz 1 disaster ; Soyuz3 proved worthiness of Soyuz craft ; practiced approaches the unmanned Soyuz 2.
Dec 21-27 1968
Borman Lovell Anders
Apollo 8
First manned spacecraft to approache moon ; after 1o orbits of moon; the craft returned to earth; time taken for entire trip was 6 days and 3 hours.
Jan 14-17 Jan 15-18 1969
Shatalov Khrunov Yeliseyev volynov
Soyuz4  Soyuz 5
Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5 accomplished rendezvous and docking in space, practiced transferring from one spacecraft to another. After 4 hours and 35 minutes ; the two spacecraft undocked and returned to earth separately. 
Marc 3-13 1969
McDivitt Schweickart Scott
Apollo 9
Lunar module; carrying McDivitt
And Schweickart, separated from command module, orbited earth for 61/2 hours then met command module and redocked with it. Schweickart walked in space for 37 minutes.
May18-26 1969
Statford Cernan Young
Apollo 10
Lunar module orbited moon twice, with Stafford and Cernan inside, came within 14.5 km (9 mil) of moon
July16-24 1969
Armstrong Aldrin  Collins
Apollo 11
First manned landing on the moon; Armstrong and Aldin spent over 2 hours on the moon’s surface ; collecting rocks and setting up instruments
Oct11-18 1969
Shonin Kubasov Filipchenko Volkov Gorbatho Yeliseyev Shatalov
Soyuz 6, 7, 8
First flight in which three manned spacecraft were on orbit at the same time. During the flight the first metal-welding experiments on a spacecraft were performed on  board Soyuz 6
Nov14-24 1969
Conarad Gordon  Bean
Apollo 12
Crew set up a small nuclear-powered observatory that measured tremors and magnetic field on the moon

Sumber : The New Book of Knowledge, Grolier Incorporated, Danbury, Connecticut

Neil Armstrong

Pada periode tahun 1966 – 1969 ini tercatat dua peristiwa yang penting yaitu : (1) Manusia (Aldrin dari Gemini 12) terbukti dapat bekerja untuk waktu yang cukup lama (5.5 jam) di angkasa ; dan (2) Untuk pertama kalinya pesawat berawak (Apollo 11 dengan Armstrong dan Aldrin)  dapat mendarat  di bulan. Armstrong dan Aldrin berada di permukaan bulan selama 2 jam, mereka mengumpulkan batuan dan memasang instrumen.  

Namun dalam periode tersebut, pada bulan April 1967, telah terjadi kecelakaan dimana kosmonout Russia Komarov (Soyuz 1) meninggal dunia pada saat berada di angkasa (bersambung).
I think we all want to really live good lives, and we all really want to have a healthy planet, although I don't know if we're supposed to be on it forever. Now, does that mean that we should be building rocket ships to shoot us into outer space? Well if we can, I think we should (Anne Hathaway).

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/anne_hathaway_735772?src=t_outer_space

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